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HBCU HUB App Content Design & Management


UX Design, Research, Consultation


The HBCU HUB App is a revolutionary platform that connects middle school to high school Black American students, their parents, recruiters, HBCU Universities, scholarship funding organizations, and black celebrities. As a UX and Content Designer for this project, my role was to create visually engaging social media content for Instagram (IG) and Google Ads, utilizing tools like Figma and Canva. I was responsible for adhering to the brand's guidelines, educating various stakeholders on the app's purpose, teaching them how to use the redesigned app (which I also worked on), and highlighting new features to capture our target audience's attention.

Research & Analysis

Understanding the Target Audience
To create compelling social media content, it was vital to understand our diverse target audience. We identified key user groups: students, parents, recruiters, universities, scholarship organizations, and potential celebrity investors. Through research and audience surveys, we gained insights into their interests, needs, and preferences.

Brand Voice and Guidelines
Establishing a consistent brand voice was essential to maintaining brand identity. We crafted a brand voice that was approachable, informative, and inspiring, aligning with the aspirations of our target audience. These guidelines served as the foundation for our content creation.

Design & Development

Visual Content Creation

Graphics and Animation
Utilizing Figma and Canva, I designed graphics and animations that were not only visually appealing but also conveyed important messages effectively. These assets were designed to capture the vibrancy of HBCU culture while maintaining a modern and professional look. Animations were used strategically to grab the audience's attention and tell a story.

Educational Content

To inform our audience about the app's purpose and functionality, I created engaging and informative content pieces. These included explainer videos, infographics, and step-by-step tutorials on how to use the redesigned app. The content was tailored to the needs of each user group, making it easily digestible and relatable.

Feature Highlights
As the app underwent a redesign, I focused on highlighting new features and improvements. These included interactive elements, personalized profiles, scholarship search tools, and connections with HBCU alumni. Visual representations of these features were integrated into our content strategy to generate excitement and anticipation among users and potential investors.

Content Distribution & Platforms

Instagram and Google Ads
The content was strategically distributed on Instagram, targeting our primary audience. Google Ads were used to reach a broader audience interested in education, scholarships, and HBCUs. Ad campaigns were carefully tailored to align with our brand voice and convey the app's value proposition. IG page saw growth of 1,500 followers to roughly 7,300 during the IG and Google Ad campaign.

Results and Impact
Engaging Influencers
To boost visibility and credibility, we engaged with Black celebrities and influencers who shared our mission. They featured in our campaigns, shared their experiences, and encouraged potential HBCU students and investors to join the HBCU HUB App community.

Positive User Engagement
Our social media content garnered high levels of user engagement, with likes, shares, and comments reflecting genuine interest and curiosity.

Increased App Downloads and Sign-Ups
The educational content and feature highlights led to a significant increase in app downloads and user sign-ups.

Celebrity & Media Involvement
The involvement of Black celebrities not only boosted our brand image but also attracted investment opportunities and campaigns to promote HBCU education.


As a UX and Content Designer for the HBCU HUB App, I played a crucial role in creating engaging and educational content that resonated with our diverse target audience. By adhering to brand guidelines, utilizing visual design tools, and strategically distributing content, we successfully communicated the app's purpose, usability, and new features.

Our efforts resulted in increased user engagement, higher app adoption rates, and the involvement of influential celebrities and investors. The HBCU HUB App is now better positioned to empower Black American students on their educational journey and strengthen the HBCU community.
Prototyping was done via Invision
Error Handling
We also addressed error handling through scrum meetings with developers and shareholder requests to make sure we addressed current issues that affect the ETF screener, which could bleed over into the Stock Screener.