Client WMS Redesign for SSI
Putwall is a WMS application made for the 10 inch Elo Touchscreen. The Client, Robert Moreton, a QA Engineer focused in Software Solutions for SSI SCHÄFER (Supply Chain & Logistics company), has identified issues with PutWall such as, unclear user flow in tasks and issues with sizing during when accessing on other devices.

•Change 10” Elo Touchscreen to Mobile-friendly webpage accessible via smartphone

•Create a highly adaptable interface

•Create a more responsive design with the User in mind

•Design easier to read and use cubby interface

•Permissions based tasks (more functions for supervisors, QA, & Team Leads)
Target Audience
My client's targeted audience were employees in the supply chain & logistics industry who worked in warehouse inventory. The client aimed to improve the workflow of these workers by improving the interface of their "Put to Wall" app platform.

After reviewing wireframes submitted from my client I devised the following persona to illustrate difficulties a warehouse worker could run into while using the Put to Wall app for work tasks on the current version Schafer uses.

(To protect client privacy original wireframes he submitted will not be posted please email me or use contact form below for original interface for employment purposes only.)
Meet Tim Ipsum
(User Persona)
Tim is a 22 year old college intern trying to learn the ropes of the logistics and freight industry.

When he started his internship with Schafer, he was introduced to the original Put to Wall WMS app however due to lack of confirmations, onboarding, clarity, and lack of direction during specific tasks, he soon found that he would struggle heavily with the UI of the software.
Meet Tim Persona

-Would like to land a good job after college

-Learn the software and workflow for the industry

-Gain experience in the field

-Use experience to become a leader in the field

-Unclear tasks

-Lack of clarity to solutions and the ability to solve independently.

-Tedious workflow
Tim's Journey
Due to the lack of clarity and consideration of the user in the current design. Many employees must reach out to IT for clarity or corrections. This is a major issue because the client has already mentioned that his team have issues using the WMS on their desktops due to the lack of responsiveness on the software.
I began to ideate my process by creating How Can I Fail charts and user flows and found potential blind-spots I may run into and how to address issues in my how can I fail exploration. I also found where some potential restricted permissions features could be beneficial for the different tiers of management.
How Can I Fail:
How Can I Fail
Click to enlarge
User Flow
User Flow
Click to enlarge
Another requirement I was tasked with taking on was to create a means of scanning warehouse items for the redesign to move the client away from the Elo Touch Screen Device and to a regular apple or android device.
Crazy 8 Sketches
Crazy 8 Sketches
Click to enlarge
I also began drafting how I would create an easier-to-use grid-like design for the cubby placing interface. I started by labeling each column and row, providing a button for the product location, as there originally no real way for a user on a different device to confirm a product was placed on the cubby without an Elo Scanning device.
Cubby Sketches
The wireframe process was a long process, but I had to create a responsive layout for both handheld devices and an approach to a desktop web browser for QA employees in the warehouse as well.
Click to enlarge
Paper Prototype
Hero Gif
Low-Fidelity Prototype
User Testing
Final Thoughts
Future Development
My Client thoughts:

- The QR code research and use was an interesting thought glad we had the chance to discuss that.

- Loved the idea that QR code is backward adaptable to barcodes for current warehouse products.

- The UPC text function is more than helpful especially for people in my department who have to still key the UPC in.

- Likes the action items being colored in, believes it gives the user a clear choice of how to go about workflows.

- Loved how everything turned out and sees nothing he’d recommend changing or adding off the bat.  

What I learned:  

- WMS Industry is very protected.

- Most WMS Products represent early 2000’s design.

- Many opportunities in this industry to market a modern design.

- Sprints are hard but rewarding!

Future Plans:  

- Complete High Fidelity

- Explore mood and color

- Create High Fidelity Desktop and   Horizontal mode

- Add High Fidelity to Portfolio

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